Pre-Audition Night for Our House
Synopsis Revolving around the music of British band, Madness, Our House follows the story of London lad Joe Casey. On the night of his...
Auditions for Last Tango in Whitby Announced
This play tells the story of a group or friends who always go on holiday together each year for a week of drinking, dancing and living it...
Auditions for this Season's Panto Announced
This year's Panto is Snow White and the 4 Swedish Popstars with show dates on: January 14-16th and January 21-23rd (4 shows per weekend)...
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Shinfield Players Theatre CIO will be held at the theatre on Thursday 2nd...
Bloomin' Murder
The PLOT thickens, can you SHED any light on it? Can you un EARTH the murderer? Can you WEED out who's DUG themselves into a HOLE? Join...
No Naughty Bits - Now Running in September 2021 (Wed 22nd - Sat 25th)
We are now planning to proceed with this play in September while still adhering to Covid-19 social distancing guidelines as the cast is...
Win up to £25,000 and support the theatre at the same time!
So how many of you do the National Lottery and or Postcode Lottery and if so when did you last win...? If you didn't know, there is now a...
Thinking of directing a show?
Whether you want to put on a play, a musical or even the panto, we'd love to help you carry out your vision on the Shinfield Players...
Check out Shows planned for 2020/21!
While we are still unable to put on any shows at our theatre, we are busy planning what we will do when we can welcome you back into our...
Could it be time for Panto?
Sharon Young and Sue Gowen are keen to find out if sufficient people would be interested in taking part based on the timescales below. ...