Getting Involved with SPT
Everyone at SPT are volunteers and get involved for many different reasons. There are so many ways you can participate in activities at SPT....
Take to the stage: Audition for one of our next productions. Visit our Auditions section for news of what we have coming up and register your interest in our future auditions.
Direct a show: We are always keen to welcome new or experienced directors with a production they are desperate to take to the stage so if you have an idea you would like to pitch for the Shinfield Players Theatre then please use our Production Proposal form to have it considered by our Committee.
Get creative: If you can build sets, make props or costumes, work lights or sound or just want to help out back stage, let us know! SPT welcomes new talent.
Learn a new skill! At SPT we love people who have an interest and enthusiasm for theatre and just want to learn new skills.
Volunteer on show nights: Maybe you’ve got time to spare and want to meet new people. If so, why not join our team backstage or front of house. ​
Come and see a show. Visit our season shows listing and book via our online box office.
Stay in the loop: Sign up to our newsletter
Become a member: Support Shinfield Players Theatre by becoming an annual member. Simply complete our online application form or download the printed version for completion and return now. When considering joining SPT you can view our code of conduct and our privacy policy here
Interested in any of the above. Contact us today and let us know how you want to get involved!